
I Nasoni di Roma APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 1.0.1
  • 4.5

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

Análisis Softonic

I Nasoni di Roma

I Nasoni di Roma is an app developed by fdm that promotes the publication of "THE NOSE OF ROME and the other fountains" by Fabrizio DiMauro, published by Innocenti Editore inThe app showcases all the fountains within the walls of Rome as well as the Nasons located outside the walls.

With I Nasoni di Roma, users can easily locate themselves on a map and find the nearest fountain. This feature comes in handy when looking for a drinking water fountain in the center of Rome. Additionally, the app allows users to add and discover fountains from all over the world.

If the battery runs out, users can purchase the Nasoni book, available in all bookstores. The book is a collaboration between I Nasoni di Roma and the RCMA association, Rome World Capital of Water, which aims to raise awareness about water issues.

I Nasoni di Roma is part of the FlexiWater project by Utopia Italia, a non-profit association committed to facilitating easy access to water for all through awareness-raising and environmental education. The app serves as a tool to involve society in the sustainable use of water resources.

Overall, I Nasoni di Roma is a comprehensive app that combines technology and environmental consciousness to provide a fast and efficient way to locate drinking water fountains in Rome and beyond.

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I Nasoni di Roma APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 1.0.1
  • 4.5

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

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